Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

I am hearing anecdotally that there are more tourists visiting the AGO lately. It is clear that many people are travelling, which is wonderful. This partly explains an increase in single ticket admission revenue.

What remains very clear – and is supported by statistical data – is that our audience has shifted in a very significant way in recent years. You have heard me say this over and over again. I can’t say it enough – our audience is much younger and more diverse than 5 years ago. This didn’t happen overnight. With the launch of our Annual Pass, changes to our exhibitions and programs and other adjustments, we have significantly shifted our audience. This is HUGE, and you all played a role in making this happen.

Currently, 35 percent of our visitors are in their 20s or younger and 55 percent are visible minorities. Remember, our job is to serve our public. Think about how these changes impact your work.

Take care,
