Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

Next week is March Break, which means that some of you will be on vacation and others will be busy working onsite greeting families visiting the AGO. It should be fairly busy at the museum as many people are venturing out more and health restrictions loosen. We have great art on view for our public to enjoy, including some exquisite recently installed works by Tom Thomson.

The next few months will be a transition period for all of us. As always, we will follow public health guidance. I will continue to wear my mask for the next several weeks along with LT members. It is important that we recognize that we are moving into a period where different people will have different perceptions of risk. We need to make sure we accommodate a range of perspectives. I ask that you all respect one another’s perspectives and communicate clearly with one another.

We’ve come a long way together and how we exit from this period is just as important as how we entered it – with the utmost respect for one another’s well-being.

Planning for AGO Global Contemporary is advancing and we will soon be interviewing a short-list of the top five architects who responded to our RFP. This is a project that will impact all facets of the AGO, and our aim is to create the Gallery that can successfully meet the future needs of our public.

Take care and stay safe,
