Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

Earlier this week at a Leadership Team meeting, we were talking about resilience. We have come through a lot together in the past couple of years and it is clear we have a ways to go. I know we are all trying to cope and move forward. Remember, the worst days of Omicron will be behind us soon.

Here are three ways of building resilience:

  • Being aware that we are part of something bigger than ourselves
  • Setting achievable goals
  • Focusing on the closeness of relationships           

The last point is key. I encourage you to consider how you might approach this with people you work with at the AGO. This could be a walk outside with colleagues. Zoom or phone cats with someone you haven’t talked to or seen in months. All of these ways of connecting are deeply meaningful.

To round off the week, our Virtual Schools Program enjoyed a stellar start — reaching over 31,000 learners in just 3 days! A huge thank you to ALL the teams in the museum that support the VSP. E&P is evident, but there are so many others behind the scenes that make it happen.

Thanks and take care,
