Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

This past weekend of aabaakwad was amazing. aabaakwad (it clears after a storm) is an annual Indigenous-led conversation on Indigenous art by those who create, curate and write about it. I was at the opening on Friday evening, and it was astounding to see, hear, and learn from so many stellar Indigenous artists.

Aabaakwad brought people together to share thoughts and ideas. Gatherings like this really do grow, change and shape culture over time.

A massive thank you to Wanda Nanibush and her imperative vision for this program.

I also want to make note of the production and operational work that goes into pulling off a weekend of this stature. It is a lot and often goes unnoted. Thank you to Deborah Nolan who was the lead for production and operations and all the teams across the museum who worked to make this happen: Communications & Brand, Education & Programming, Facilities, Finance, Food & Beverage, Media, PSD, Visitor Services and many others!

Finally, as Leadership Team continues to monitor and respond to the COVID environment with more employees back in the museum, it is extremely critical that we continue to adhere to Public Health’s recommended guidelines by:

  • wearing a mask while walking through the Gallery
  • practicing physical distancing
  • sanitizing and washing your hands regularly
  • staying home if you are feeling unwell

Everyone has done an extraordinary job since we’ve re-opened and these activities will ensure that safety amongst our colleagues is a priority.

Take care and stay safe,
