Fragments of Epic Memory

We were happy to see many of you on last night’s zoom call, celebrating the opening of Fragments of Epic Memory, with Stephan and Curator, Julie Crooks. Below, you’ll find a photo that our friends in Development snapped earlier last year, when the Volunteer Council met to officially “sign off” on the Volunteer Endowment Trust Fund’s support of initial research into the Montgomery Collection of Caribbean photographs, many of which are included in the exhibition. How wonderful to see something come into fruition in a challenging year!

Previous to this, in 2019, a large group of donors came together to acquire this large collection of historical photographs of the Caribbean for the Gallery. Julie describes the selection process, in this week’s AGOinsider (linked here).

J.W. Cleary, Coconut Palms, Kingston Harbour, ca 1895, 17.53 cm x 23.11 cm. Gelatin Silver print. Montgomery Collection of Caribbean Photographs.