An Important Re-Opening Update

Hi everyone,

I am sharing a quick message today in Stephan’s absence – he is taking vacation days on Fridays during the month of July.

Some of you might have heard the province’s announcement today (Friday July 9) about moving forward with Stage 3 re-opening on July 16, a little ahead of schedule than previously communicated. This is amazing news. With vaccination rates going up, COVID-19 cases are coming down dramatically and some restrictions are loosening.

Please note – here at the AGO, we are sticking with our re-opening date of July 21st. Everyone has been doing incredible work preparing for a successful re-opening and we’ll stick with our plan. So far, ticket sales are strong and there is a lot of excitement from our public about coming back to the AGO.

Any capacity changes or other key details coming out of today’s announcement will be considered and further updates will be provided.

I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable weekend.

Thank you,


Erin Prendergast (she, her)

Chief, Strategic Initiatives