Art in the Spotlight: Koomuatuk Curley

Tuesday, June 22, 4 pm via Zoom (register, here)

Koomuatuk Curley, Facing downtown Kinngait, 2021.

Koomuatuk (Kuzy) Curley is sculptor, director and videographer from Kinngait, NU. Curley’s grandparents taught him how to carve during the summers he spent as a child at their outpost camp near Kinngait and began his professional carving career while in junior high school, becoming the third generation carver of his family. In 2014 Curley directed his film Kiawak Ashoona and has exhibited his work across Canada including iNuit Blanche in 2016, St. John’s, NL. Curley was part of the Inuit curatorial team for the exhibition Tunnirrusiangit: Kenojuak Ashevak and Tim Pitsiulak at AGO in 2018.

Georgiana Uhlyarik is Fredrik S. Eaton Curator, Canadian Art, and co-lead of the Indigenous + Canadian Art Department at the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto. She co-curated: Tunirrusiangit: Kenojuak Ashevak and Tim Pitsiulak, the J.S. McLean Centre for Indigenous + Canadian Art, Introducing Suzy Lake, among several international collaborations. Originally from Romania, she lives in Toronto with her twin sons.