AGO Talks: A Continued Conversation on Residential Schools

Tuesday, June 8, 1 pm EST

Visit to view our event on June 8, 2021. (Talk will be broadcast live on the website – you cannot pre register for this talk: click on the link above on June 8 at 1pm to view)

We want to honour and remember the 215 children of the Kamloops Residential School (Tk’emlups te Secwepemc First Nations community) who now peacefully rest in the spirit world. We acknowledge the resilience of Residential School Survivors, their families and all those who are still missing and have never made it home.

Join Audrey Hudson, Richard & Elizabeth Currie Chief of Education & Programming, in conversation with Robert Durocher (Vice-Principal), Jenny Kay Dupuis (Author), and Eekwol (Hip-hop Artist). The talk will be centred on a continued conversation about residential schools and available resources within the AGO’s collection.

This discussion is for everyone: students, teachers, parents and anyone who wants to begin having these culturally safe conversations.