Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

Earlier this week, we shared a message about Ontario’s Re-Opening Plan. Basically what this means for the AGO is that we will open likely later in July with Andy Warhol installed and ready for our public. The exact date is not known yet – it all depends on the speed of vaccinations and decline of case numbers – all milestones determined by the Province. But just knowing that an opening date is in sight is very encouraging. We will communicate with everyone about our plans as things crystalize. (A reminder: though we hope to re-open the doors soon, staff re-entry will be staggered, and will apply only to essential workers)

It’s important that we all continue to follow health guidelines and wear masks, social distance and wash our hands regularly. Even though COVID is still a reality, there is lots to look forward to this summer.

Summer Pop! is a free series of online art activities for kids of all ages inspired by Andy Warhol, every Monday through Sunday in July. Online art courses for adults at https://ago.ca/learn/courses are now open for registration.  We will continue to offer art and learning opportunities for our public in spite of COVID barriers. Spread the word.

Take care and stay safe,
