Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

While we are hearing of increasing vaccinations in Canada – which is wonderful – I am also mindful that many countries are in real crisis including India, Brazil, Colombia, St. Vincent and others. Such situations impact many of you who have relatives, friends or loved ones residing abroad. Worrying about their health and safety is stressful, I am sure.

There is a lot to cope with right now. I am including a list of resources below for support. I encourage everyone to take some time for personal wellness. I will be spending as much time outdoors as possible this weekend. For those who enjoy walking, check out Jane’s Walk Festival.

Take care and stay safe,



Tip Sheet: “What Language Do I Use?”: Holding Inclusive Mental Health Conversations

Healthy Nutrition: including tips for grocery shopping and food safety & storage at home. 

Physical Activity: including tips on how to get more active for each age group. 

Resources for Families: including practical tips on how to help children deal with stress. 

Well Being Collective @ Hart House a collaborative wellness initiative to support community wellbeing Podcasts and Move and Meditate With Us

Quick tips to support yourself during the COVID-19 pandemic

Free Smart Phone Apps

Insight Timer – for sleep, anxiety and stress.

Mind Shift – provides anxiety relief using strategies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

Happify – provides exercises, daily articles and fun games.

Calm – for sleep, anxiety and stress.

Shine – an inclusive self-care app for a daily mental health check-in.

Mental Health Supports for Adults

Warm Line is a confidential and anonymous service for adults (18+) who are feeling lonely, isolated, anxious, depressed or in need of a friendly ear. This is not a crisis service. Call: 416-323-3721 (noon to 8 pm) or 416-960-9276 (8 pm to midnight) or Text: 647-557-5882

Toronto Seniors Helpline is a single point of access for seniors and caregivers to receive information, supportive phone counseling, crisis assessment and system navigation by registered professionals. Call: 416-217-2077 (language interpretation available), long distance: 1-877-621-2077. Monday to Friday: 9 am to 8 pm Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 9 am to 6 pm.

Talk4Healing (24/7) is a culturally grounded, fully confidential helpline for Indigenous women available in 14 languages all across Ontario. Call 1-855-554-HEAL

Hong Fook is a culturally competent team in Ontario serving Asian community members who are 16 years and older. Services include case management, psychotherapy, psychiatry, peer support, virtual group activities and virtual mental health workshops. Call: 416-493-4242 (ext 0), Monday to Friday: 9 am to 5 pm

Caribbean African Canadian Social Services is a culturally safe mental health services for Black children, youth, adults and families. Call: 416-740-1056, Monday to Friday: 9 am to 4:30 pm.

The Assaulted Women’s Helpline is a 24-hour telephone crisis line to all woman who have experienced abuse. They provide counselling, emotional support, information and referrals.