Art in the Spotlight: Dana Slijboom

Tuesday April 27, at 4pm via ZOOM (register here)

Dana Slijboom, Just a Bunny Girl, oil on canvas, 50 x 62″, 2021

Join artist Dana Slijboom (read more here) for a conversation about her work and creative process with the AGO’s Renée van der Avoird. Slijboom’s paintings are characterized by a distinctive visual language incorporating archetypal imagery and bold graphics.

Dana Slijboom is a Canadian-Dutch painter living and working in Toronto. She holds a BFA from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam NL (2009). She has exhibited both in Canada and internationally, including solo exhibitions at Towards Gallery, Ranch Dressing (2018), and  Erin Stump Projects, Romance (2019).

Renée van der Avoird is Assistant Curator of Canadian Art at the AGO. Selected AGO exhibitions include The Open Door: Mary Hiester Reid and Helen McNicoll (2020), Margaret Priest: The Construction Series and Other Concrete Matters (2019), Karl Beveridge & Carole Condé: Early Work (2019), and Betty Goodwin: Moving Towards Fire (2019).