Hello Volunteers,
We are excited to introduce this series of Diversity & Inclusion recordings, part of the Gallery’s commitment to building a more diverse and inclusive staff and volunteer community.
We hope you’ll enjoy this line up of AGO staff and special guests, who have so generously shared their expertise with us. Though we are all at different points on our learning journeys, our goal is to listen, learn and reflect; to build a more welcoming and inclusive volunteer program that represents the diversity of the communities in which we live.
We will be sharing 4 sessions (recordings) over the coming months:
- An Introduction to Diversity & Inclusion
- Anti-Racism 101 – Moving from ‘Not Racist’ to ‘Anti-Racist
- Anishinaabe Philosophy and Land
- Sharing Knowledge – A Conversation with Indigenous Art Educators
We will continue to share more topics and conversations as our perspectives continue to broaden in 2021.
To begin, please listen to a personal message from Stephan Jost, Director and CEO, joined by Maya Kotlarenko, Volunteer President, https://youtu.be/TkGksCHQ0w0
Our first session is outlined below:
Session #1: “Getting Started: An Introduction to Diversity & Inclusion” (1.5 hours)
Your First Session – Here’s what to expect:
- Introduction by Stephan Jost, Director & CEO
- Land acknowledgment and opening by Ryerson’s Indigenous Elder, Joanne Dallaire
- Overview of Agenda: Establishing the intention or creating a positive space for learning and interacting with one another by Akilah Child, Co-Chair, AGO IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility) Group and Audrey Hudson, Chief, Education & Programming
- Key Diversity & Inclusion Definitions and Concepts. Consider how each of these play a role in unpacking the existing biases we all hold by Letecia Rose, Equity Advocate and Community Engagement Specialist
- Questions & Answers (pre-recorded)
- Wrap- Up by Akilah Child and Audrey Hudson
How to Access this Recording:
- Click on this link: https://zoom.us/rec/share/zlmx0DW4-BnuNuYomc6c_ND9j-ufHz2ik5cLZjkc84jqREmlzTnMGI3PQE-DkO5L.tWLwpndYhmi3r65g
- You will be asked to enter your name, email and password (please copy and paste the password that has been provided, here): AGODandI#1
- Verify you are not a robot
- Please allow a couple of minutes for the recording to begin
- NOTE: for any staff coordinators of volunteers also tuning in- please disconnect from the VPN in order to access the video
Things to Keep in Mind:
- These videos are pre-recorded webinars, not live (chat/ Q&A function is not functional)
- Depending on the speed of your internet, or how many volunteers are watching the recording at the same time, the video may be slow to load. Please be patient with any interrupted viewing.
- Keep a list of thoughts you’d like to share in our Volunteer Connector call – (see more, below)
Related Readings:
Here’s a resource list to learn more about the ideas and issues introduced in this recording. Feel free to read and learn more in advance of our Volunteer Connector call:
Dr. Johnetta Cole, joined us at the Gallery for a Town Hall Meeting, May 15, 2018 addressing Diversity and the Museum “What Gets Measured, Gets Done” You can access this recording, here: (new link, updated March 1, 2021 https://artcloud.ago.ca/s/9edHRt28twQi8jM (staff coordinators, please disconnect from the VPN in order to view)
“What Does It Mean to Decolonize a Museum?” via MuseumNext
“White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” (via the National Seed Project)
Want to Talk More?
Join our AGO Volunteers Connector Call. This is an opportunity for you to discuss and share what you’ve learned with other volunteers, and consider how you can better support a more diverse and welcoming volunteer community. Our focus is to create a positive space to share our own personal learnings, and to encourage bold and brave conversation, to talk and grow together.
Join us:
Volunteers Connector Call #1, “Getting Started: An Introduction to Diversity & Inclusion”
Hosted by Holly Procktor, Melissa Smith, & Maya Kotlarenko, our Volunteer President
Wednesday March 10, 5- 6pm via Zoom
(Please note: you can’t register in advance, simply click on this link on Wednesday March 10 at 5pm to join us):
UPDATED ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87385002021?pwd=d0FIU0JqSk1nVnUvdGhrT3h6WkVZQT09
You should be able to join directly, but if prompted, please enter:
Meeting ID: 873 8500 2021
Passcode: 949564
We’re looking forward to seeing you!