Art in the Spotlight: Toronto Artist Gloria C. Swain

Image courtesy of Gloria C. Swain

“All of my art is about lived experiences—mine and my community’s.” – Gloria Swain  

Toronto artist Gloria C. Swain is living a full life. She is a multidisciplinary artist and social justice advocate who’s been creating for the better part of 50 years with installation, painting, performance, writing and photography. Her work examines ongoing colonial violence and centres her own experience as Black feminist artist, with invisible disabilities, navigating through unwelcoming spaces. Her most recent exhibition of abstract paintings, A Burst of Colour, was on view (before the recent lockdown) at 401 Richmond in Toronto.

And in an installment of AGO Art in the Spotlight,  Adelina Vlas, AGO Associate Curator, Contemporary Art, connected with Swain to find out more about her impactful work in both the art and community spheres. It’s a wonderful conversation! Watch now, here.

Stay tuned for more from AGO Art in the Spotlight series featuring local artists throughout 2021. While you’re at it, take a look at some of this year’s past installments, including features with Rajni Perera, Tanya Talaga and Charles Officer.