All volunteers (and staff) are welcome to attend the following two talks next week, sponsored by funds raised during the National Docent Symposium here at the AGO in 2009. (Please note: the presentation will be the same for each lecture. By offering twice, we are simply hoping to provide more access). No RVSP necessary; just drop in.
Roald Nasgaard will be speaking about Canadian Abstraction on Monday December 10th at 10:00 am in Jackman Hall and again
on Tuesday December 11th at 6:30 pm in Jackman Hall.
Roald Nasgaard is a professor of art history and, for the past decade, chair of the art department at Florida State University. His long and distinguished museum career includes fifteen years as chief curator at the Art Gallery of Ontario, during which he oversaw many projects, among them the seminal 1984 exhibition and book The Mystic North.
More recently, he is the author of Abstract Painting in Canada: A History which was published in August 2007 and The Automatiste Revolution: 1941-1960 published in 2009.