Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone,

We have had a tremendous response to our offer to front-line workers. Yesterday and today there were long queues on the website to sign up and receive a free AGO Pass. This is a way to thank and acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of healthcare workers, grocery store clerks, transit workers and others who have provided vital services since the pandemic hit. More than 10,000 have signed up so far! I know we all look forward to welcoming them to the AGO. 
We are all doing a lot of learning and listening right now on the topic of diversity and inclusion. We are hearing stories from many different perspectives, including the museum sector. Here is an article by curator and race cultural historian, Dr. Kelli Morgan, which speaks to her experience in the US:


Thank you to Nadia Abraham, Assistant Interpretive Planner, for the suggestion.

We are in the thick of summer with glorious weather so I hope everyone has a chance to enjoy some time outdoors this weekend. Please take care and continue to follow safe health guidelines.
