Volunteer Engagement in the time of Co-vid 19

Thank you to those who filled out our Engagement Survey to let us know how you’d like to stay connected while we are all at home.

Here’s what we learned:

  • Many of you are already connecting virtually with your shiftmates through weekly zoom calls – that’s great! We’re so happy you took the initiative to set those up
  • More than 50% of you have some free time on your hands and would be interested in getting more involved 
  • Almost 60 volunteers have already joined the AGO Volunteer group on Facebook, where we have been sharing articles, virtual museum tours, favourite artworks and MORE!
  • Many of you expressed interest in 1 or more of the initiatives we proposed in the survey including: 
Activity # of interested volunteers
Take a free online course/workshop with a group of volunteers 43
Literary Club – meet virtually with volunteers to discuss books, magazines or articles of interest 21
Meditation/Mindfulness sessions – get together virtually with volunteers for breathing exercises, meditation 17
The Art I Live With – Participate in a “Show and Tell” online with fellow volunteers to talk about favourite artwork in your home 16
Movie Club – meet virtually with volunteers to discuss movies of interest 15
Recipe Exchange – trade recipes, get the dish on AGO chef favourites and maybe even enjoy a virtual meal together 15
Virtual Random Coffee – connect with 1 or more volunteers virtually over Zoom for a coffee (or other beverage of choice) 12
Craft Club – share ideas for craft creations you can make at home 11

The Volunteer Council and your staff coordinators are figuring out next steps. If you didn’t have a chance to fill out the survey, you still have 1 week to let us know how you’d like to get involved! You can click on the survey link here: https://forms.gle/U8fMrqKwRxAYEavg7

If you’re interested in joining the AGO Volunteer Group on Facebook, click here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/256671058703278/

If you have any questions in the meantime, please reach out to Holly Procktor, Volunteer Coordinator, ([email protected]) or Maya Kotlarenko, Volunteer President, ([email protected]).