How to Talk about Anti-Black Racism, with AGO’s Dr. Audrey Hudson

  • Wednesday June 10
  • 1:00pm – 2:00pm
  • Via Zoom (register, here)

Join Dr. Audrey Hudson for a round table discussion on how to talk about anti-Black racism, using art in the AGO Collection as a guide.

Broaching the subject of anti-Black racism can be challenging, but it is vitally important as we try to dismantle the systems of violence and oppression that continue to impact the lives of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) people in our community. 

To spark the discussion, Dr. Audrey Hudson, AGO Associate Curator, Schools & Early Learning Programs, will host a virtual roundtable, Wednesday June 10th, on how to speak about anti-Black racism, with art from the AGO Collection as an entry point. The panel will include community members, artist educators, teachers and activists. 

This discussion is meant for teachers, parents and anyone who wants to have these conversations with the people in their life.  Read more