Ontario Volunteer Service Award Winner: Meet Akber Mohamed

How did you come to volunteer at the AGO? 

I believe in Volunteering. In 1978 I immigrated to Calgary from Tanzania, East Africa and gained employment in hospitality administration. In my spare time I enjoyed volunteering. I was officially recognized by the City of Calgary for my years of dedicated volunteering in several different areas including the annual Calgary Stampede and the 1988 winter Olympics. A few years after I moved to Toronto, while volunteering at Meals on Wheels, a friend noticed my interest in art and suggested I might enjoy volunteering at the AGO. I applied and joined the Information Guide team. 

What was your most memorable experience? 

What has meant the most to me is assisting visitors through my knowledge of several languages: Swahili, Gujarati and Kutchi. I feel I have been able to make many of our visitors’ experience more comfortable and enjoyable by being able to talk to them in their own language.

What do you do with your time when you are not at the AGO? 

When I moved to Toronto in 1996,I chose retirement from a large established hotel chain but decided to keep my hand in the workforce by occasionally assisting a legal firm with administration data. I also enjoy an extensive family life here in Toronto.

Is there someone who mentored your path? 

When I joined the AGO as a Information Guide in 2000 we worked in small teams with a captain. We all worked together, and my fellow volunteers were there to help me find my way around and ensure I received the information I needed to assist our visitors.  

Thank you Akber for your continued dedication to the AGO and our visitors