Special thanks to Shelagh Barrington, past Volunteer President and Gallery Guide for reaching out to our award winners, to conduct these interviews!
How did you come to volunteer at the AGO?
Volunteering, art and HR have always been a few of my passions in life. I used to draw and paint when I was in high school. I have also been volunteering with different organizations since I graduated from university. When I was browsing the AGO website, I noticed the volunteering section and applied for a few positions online. Colin Green, the recruitment coordinator at the time, saw my resume and asked if I would be interested to volunteer as a recruitment volunteer since I have an HR background. The AGO was going though the Frank Gehry renovation at that time and we needed to recruit a lot of volunteers to get ready for reopening. I truly enjoyed working with Colin and the rest of the team.
What was your most memorable experience?
In the past 12 years that I have been volunteering with the AGO, I would say meeting the volunteers when they come in for interviews has been such a rewarding experience. It amazes me how people with different backgrounds, culture, education and ages all have the same goal. And that is to volunteer and become a part of this amazing community of the AGO! I have met candidates with backgrounds such as PhD of Statistics, retired TTC bus driver, a former farm worker, stay-at-home mom, recent university graduate, and many, many more people. Their stories of why they would like to volunteer with us has stayed with me, and I can never forget them.
What do you do with your time when you are not at the AGO? (or what did you do before you became an AGO volunteer?) I
I am an HR (Human Resources) Specialist working at the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. In my free time I like to travel (I’ve been to 13 countries and looking forward to exploring many more), play tennis, bake, and spend time with family and friends.
Is there a staff who mentored your path?
Holly Procktor. I have the pleasure of knowing and working with Holly since she joined the AGO, 11 years ago. Watching Holly’s interaction with the volunteers, staff and visitors is truly educational for me. I have learned so much from her. She makes everyone feel important. She is always positive, happy, genuine and sees the best in everyone and every situation. I look up to her not just as a mentor but also a role model in my life. It is a true honour to have the opportunity to be a part of her team. (Holly’s edit – Mona, you make me cry!)
Thank you Mona for your continued dedication to the AGO and our visitors