Hello Everyone,
With the volatile global situation and news of tariffs, it has been a choppy week! In terms of tariffs, we simply do not have enough information to determine scope of impact yet because every day seems to have a different news lead. At this point, we do not anticipate a significant impact on Dani Reiss Modern and Contemporary Gallery construction. Fortunately, the steel required is already here. These forces are out of our control and, until more information is shared, we just need to stay calm and focus on our work.
In good news – next week is March Break! The AGO will be hosting lots of kids and their families, including on Monday, March 10. Our Artist in Residence, Laura Carwardine, created an interactive textile installation for artmaking in Walker Court, our AGO PLAY book is in both English and French this year, and there is still some space left in our child and youth courses. Thank you to all staff who are coordinating these activities and everyone who will be onsite next week to ensure a positive experience for all.
See you soon and take care,