In this week’s Foyer … Five Hidden Gems of the Collection

Tucked away in nooks and crannies, this week’s article highlights out-of-the-way /hidden and lesser known works, including:

  • Evan Penny, 17 of the Artists Production Plasters, 2001-2006 – Weston Family Learning Centre (Concourse)
  • Fisher-boy Dancing the Tarantella (1883) by Francisque Joseph Duret – Concourse Level
  • Portrait of Henry VII (1537) by Circle of Hans Holbein  – Level 1 
  • The David Milne Centre – Levels 1 and 2 
  •  A work of art in the form of a quantity of coins equal to the number of months of the statistical life expectancy of a child born January 6, 1995 (1995) by Micah Lexier – Level 2  (note: the unique opportunity to move a coin and become part of the art’s history!)

Read all about them, HERE.

Micah Lexier. A work of art in the form of a quantity of coins equal to the number of months of the statistical life expectancy of a child born January 6, 1995, 1995. Metal, wood, enamel paint, Overall: 31.2 x 23.9 x 8 cm. Art Gallery of Ontario. Purchased with financial support of the Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Assistance program, 1997. © Micah Lexier. 97/5