A Message from the Volunteer President, Barbara Glaser: Summer Report and Update

Hello Volunteers

Hope you’re all enjoying the beautiful summer we have been experiencing!

I’m writing with some exciting updates that have been busily working on. First, however in gratitude and thanks to all the staff; Debbie Johnsen, Holly Procktor, Paola Poletto and Natalie Lam for the enriching actives and talks they have arranged for us as we have had recently from Moment’s in Modernism, to Bright Lights, to a visit with Artist in Residence Michelle Peraza, can’t wait to see what she will create! It’s always wonderful to learn, be together as a community and a pleasure to see everyone! In our mutual volunteer work together, enrichment activities and socially.

Next Group Volunteer Excursion: Charles Pachter Studio. Registration required.

Please mark your calendars for the launch of our first fall excursions. Pleased to relay that the next group outing since the summer will be on Wednesday September 18th at 10:30am to Charles Pachter Studio, (near the gallery). This is an opportunity to personally meet one of Canada’s leading artists and see his studio, artwork and where he creates these glorious works of art! There will also be socializing time with Charles and fellow volunteers from different shifts. Meeting details to follow closer to the date, this excursion is open to 50 volunteers for space requirements in Charles studio. Afterwards we will get together for an optional lunch and an opportunity to meet fellow volunteers from various shifts and days. Registration is required, please sign up and confirm your attendance (and for lunch if interested to join) at my email address [email protected]

AGO Volunteer Artist Collective:

A reminder our AGO Volunteer Artist Collective launches on Wednesday October 30th with our first artist Janne Reuss, our second artist is scheduled for Tuesday November 19th with Aliye Akbarzadeh.

These presentations will be on zoom and recorded and shared. Janne will showcase her art of photography and the special personal meaning behind her works, for reference here is Janne’s website https://janneartdot.wordpress.com/. Aliye’s art is equally unique in a stylistic manner capturing a creative vision drawings and paintings via a contemporary style, her past life stories and deep philosophical meanings. Aliye’s artwork, technique features, collage, drawing and painting.

As Volunteer President, I’m so excited to launch this initiative idea, showcase and highlight the talents of so many volunteers as to what we create outside the gallery walls as artists our visions and mandates as well as contributing to the gallery. This will also give us all including fellow volunteers over different day shifts break down the silos and an opportunity to learn, be inspired and seeing your cohorts in a different light, commonalties and the hope of building a strong artistic community to be recognized and inspired by staff alike. Please submit your interest to participate in the collective, with Holly or myself at the email address above.

On the horizon in the fall:

We are most grateful to Melissa Smith, who will be arranging a watercolor studio workshop lead with a Gallery school facilitator for volunteers. This is a collaboration between staff and volunteers coming together in the studio, as part of a community to simply learn, and hands on create and have fun!

Volunteer Recognition:

There will importantly be a volunteer recognition event coming up around the late fall into the holiday season, this will also give us an opportunity to come together and socialize as well. With warm thanks to Holly for brilliantly organizing all factors of this recognition event for volunteers. We look forward to celebrating you!

Look forward to all these activities and seeing you all in the near future, until then I will be on summer break mid to late August and as always, my door is open with any suggestions, questions or concerns via email ([email protected]) or in person. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the summer!

All my best,

Barbara Glaser

AGO Volunteer President