Volunteers, I’m thrilled to share this post from Barbara Glaser, your Volunteer President. Read on to find out which project the volunteers voted to support with this year’s funds – Holly
Dear fellow Volunteers,
Every year I look forward to the Volunteer Endowment Trust (VET) process and the collaboration with fellow Volunteers, leadership and what the Development team will propose for us. This year was no exception, as the team always give us such vast and unique choices which we are most grateful for and this collaboration on the important VET process. This is a wonderful opportunity for us all as volunteers to contribute as to where the VET funds will be distributed to and vote in a democratic process, each vote truly counts and matters. This year we also introduced a zoom presentation with Erin Thadani (Associate Director, Philanthropy and Planned Giving) that gave us further insights into the proposal and information on the history of the Volunteer Endowment Trust.
Thank you to all and especially to the Volunteers for your vote and say on this very important piece in Volunteer history for 2024-25. I’m happy to announce after a very tight race the winning vote goes to the upcoming exhibition “Joyce Wieland: Heart On”. The exhibit will be opening at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) on January 27th-May11, 2025 at the AGO on June 21-October 13 2025 (Co-produced by the Art Gallery of Ontario in partnership with the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts). The exhibition is curated by Georgiana Uhlyarik and Anne Grace, Modern Art Curator MMFA. As we approach our 80th year of the AGO Volunteer program, I feel this is a fitting tribute.
This will be the first major Canadian exhibition of Wieland”s work in 35 years and will offer a comprehensive review of Weiland’s career, the accompanying catalogue will present fresh scholarship focusing on the themes Wieland developed in her artistic practice, which are increasingly pertinent to audiences today. It is because of your vote Volunteers on the VET support that the funds will be distributed to and further expand on the exhibition of Wieland’s work and career. Can’t wait to see the vast array of works and how our curators will compose the exhibit. Looking forward and jointly for us Volunteers to partake in the tours, programming in connection.
Barbara Glaser
AGO Volunteer President