Hello everyone,
The other day, Dr. Julie Crooks took me through the installation of Life Between Islands: Caribbean-British Art 1950s-Now. Julie and others worked closely with curators and colleagues from Tate Britain to achieve a celebratory exhibition of extraordinary quality and depth. There was a Curators’ Circle event on Wednesday and tonight is our public opening, featuring DJ Jazzie B. In addition to paintings, film, and sculpture, the exhibit features Michael McMillan’s The Front Room: Inna Toronto/6ix, which explores the ways that migrants expressed being Caribbean and becoming Canadian through the material things in their homes. Michael spoke about this on CBC – you can listen here.
Congratulations to Julie, Emilie Croning (Curatorial Assistant, Arts of Global Africa & the Diaspora), the Exhibitions, E&P, CAB, and Visitor Experience teams, and everyone else who is contributing to a successful opening week.
Take care,