Think back with us a few months, AGO volunteers – to when you were asked to cast your vote to support a project for this year’s Volunteer Endowment Trust fund donation. You voted to support Making Her Mark: A History of Women Artists in Europe, 1400-1800, an exhibition and accompanying (gorgeous!) catalogue, edited by Alexa, and Andaleeb Badiee Banta, with Theresea Kutasz Christensen, Baltimore Museum of Art.
You’re invited: Tuesday November 14, at 5:30pm over Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 828 3804 1273
Passcode: 812761
This illustrated talk, about the making of the book and exhibition (opening at the AGO in March 2024) will be led by Alexa Greist, Associate Curator & R. Fraser Elliott Chair, Prints and Drawings, with accompanying special guest, our Director and CEO Stephan Jost (who also wrote the catalogue’s foreword). This presentation is offered in thanks and recognition, for your generous gift of volunteer funds.
This talk will be recorded and shared, for those that cannot attend.
Making Her Mark introduces us to new artistic heroines (!), bringing together more than 230 objects from royal portraits to metal work, ceramics, textiles, and cabinetry, to demonstrate the many ways women contributed to the visual arts of Europe.
An important note for Gallery Guides: Education and Public Programs has coordinated an additional learning session, specific to Gallery Guides on Thursday November 16th, at 3:00pm – this is focused on engagement strategies guides can use in the exhibition to engage visitors. For more information, please see Danah’s emails.