We are thrilled to announce our next Volunteer President, Barbara Glaser.
Barbara comes to us from the Print & Drawings volunteer team, where she’s been ensuring a rich and memorable experience for visitors in close-looking opportunities in the Marvin Gelber Print & Drawing Study Centre, as part of the Open Door program. An AGO volunteer since 2010, and former Volunteer Council member for 2 terms, (years apart), she has a nuanced understanding of the staff-volunteer relationship at the Gallery, and a commitment to collaboration. She is passionate about bringing our volunteers together, through enrichment, social opportunities, and online projects (such as the volunteer recipe exchange, a pandemic project she spearheaded along with Veronica Ha, a fellow Council member).
Barbara is a creative thinker, with a professional background in design, art direction, and community organizing. She has years of experience fostering connection, volunteer recognition and appreciation. We look forward to working with her as your next Volunteer President.
More to come!
Holly Procktor, Coordinator, Volunteers
Alain Graham, Chief, People