Reminder: Volunteer DEIA training with Cian Knights, our Manager of Diversity & Inclusion: Tuesday October 3 at 5:30pm

Hello volunteers! I just met with Cian Knights, our Manager of Diversity & Inclusion, to go over Tuesday’s presentation. This is going to be a wonderful, grounding session. Cian’s presentation is full of facts and figures, and plainly suggests what we’re doing, and where we need to go. Milestones, celebrations, areas to work on, and next steps. I hope you’ll join us! This presentation sets the stage for volunteer training to come.

TUESDAY OCTOBER 3, 5:30pm – 6:30pm

Via ZOOM: please click on the link to join (no more than 5 minutes prior to the session):

If prompted, please enter:

Meeting ID: 846 6659 4981 and
Passcode: 368081

(please make sure to log on no more than 5 minutes before the session, which will be recorded for those who can’t make it)

Looking forward to seeing you all then,

Holly (- volunteer resources)