Looking Forward: KAWS Family Exhibition Launch

KAWS, FAMILY (2021) Bronze, paint, (219.1 x 207 x 95.6 cm) © KAWS

Hello volunteers! I’m excited to share this video of the KAWS Family Exhibition Launch. These meetings are new to the Gallery, and an opportunity for staff and volunteers to see the work it takes to bring an exhibition to life. In this video, we meet the project management and design team, preview the layout, and get insight into the gallery’s approach to advertising, promotion and programming – all while enjoying a sneak peak of what to expect.

We don’t currently have access to space at the Gallery that can accommodate all staff and volunteers – so these videos are being recorded and shared, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to view.

Important notes for viewing:

  • The video takes a moment to get started, so be patient – you will hear the voice of Melissa Ramage, Project Manager, begin about 20 seconds after the video starts.
  • Full recording is about 50 minutes.
  • You will be asked for a password in order to view the video. The password is: KawsFam@AGO!
  • Please copy and paste the password, or, if you type it in yourself, make sure you enter the password exactly as it reads (note capital letters, exclamation mark etc.) ,

One final but important note: these opportunities to view Exhibition Launch meetings include confidential material that is not intended to be shared with the public. The Gallery is trusting all of us – staff and volunteers – to keep these details confidential and not share this link outside of our community. Thanks in advance for your agreement and support!



More updates about KAWS: Family will follow in the coming weeks, as the exhibition draws nearer.

Happy viewing!

Holly (-volunteer resources)