Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone,

As we get ready for a busy fall season I am reflecting on the change that is happening at the AGO. Five years ago we launched our 10-year strategic plan. Think about what we’ve accomplished in the past 5 years in terms of collection growth, changes to our exhibitions and programs, and the development of the Dani Reiss Modern & Contemporary Gallery. Perhaps the most significant change is reflected in our audience. The launch of the Annual Pass and other strategies we’ve acted on have helped shift our audience to become much younger and more diverse. All of this change is tremendously relevant to achieving our vision of leading global conversations and reflecting the people who live in our city. Now we must focus on the next 5 years, including revitalizing our brand and deepening relationships with our audience. At a Town Hall to be scheduled later this Fall I will talk more about AGO 2028 and where we are going from here, the half-way point.

One thing I know for sure is that there will always be change. Carol Rapp and Phil Lind embraced change and thirsted for fresh ideas and contemporary thinking. They also represent part of our loyal audience that has been with us for decades, like many of our trustees, volunteers and members. Carol and Phil believed in the AGO and its promise for the future. Since the AGO was founded, it has gone through extraordinary change as our city grew – numerous expansions, thousands of high quality acquisitions, pivoting when needed during challenging and opportunistic times alike. The AGO has always changed as Toronto has changed.  

We will continue to rely on our core values of being inclusive, adaptable and flexible. I am tremendously excited about this upcoming fall season. If we stick to our mission of great art and focusing on our audience, I’m confident we’ll succeed together.

Take care,
