Words by asinnajaq & Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill

Two of the featured artists in the exhibition We Are Story offer environmental insight.

asinnajaq, where you go i follow, 2020. Inkjet print on poly-sheer fabric and vinyl lettering. Overall: 246.4 x 304.8 cm. Purchase, with funds from the Canada Now Photography Acquisition Initiative, Edward Burtynsky and Nicholas Metivier, 2021. © asinnajaq. Photo courtesy The Shell Projects.

Since January 2023, the group exhibition We Are Story: The Canada Now Photography Acquisition has been on view at the AGO (128, The Edmond G. Odette Family Gallery, and 129 The Robert & Cheryl McEwen Gallery), showcasing the vitality and range of contemporary Canadian photography.

This week’s Foyer offers a deeper dive into work of two of the artists, asinnajaq (work pictured above), and Gabrielle L’Hirondelle Hill.  Both artists’ works feature scenes found in nature and commentary about the relationship between humans and the environment. Foyer recently connected with them to find out more about their approach to creation, their works in the exhibition, and the ways in which their practices reflect each other (nice information for a Gallery Guide Dot!) Read more, HERE.