Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

Tomorrow (Saturday) we are opening an exhibition by Sarindar Dhaliwal entitled When I grow up I want to be a namer of paint colours. It is on the first floor in the Lind Gallery. It is a bold and beautiful exhibition and when you go to see it you will be impressed by both the art and the installation. Renée van der Avoird did a great job on the curation and the installation team really made it beautiful. The skills needed to install hundreds of ceramic letters is impressive. Our team really can do almost anything!

One of the aspects I love about the AGO is that we all have different skills. Some of us have the skills to welcome and engage hundreds of guests a day, some of us are excellent editors, some of us are pros in the kitchen, some of us have the ability to quietly watch over art to ensure it is safe. Take a moment and think about your own abilities. Take a moment and see your colleagues’ amazing skills – the staff and volunteers of the AGO are an impressive group!
