Foyer: introducing the AGO’s new digital magazine, dedicated to sparking conversation around art and culture

Click the links here to read this week’s Foyer stories:

Chevreuse II — June’s RBC Art Pick is Chevreuse II (1953-54), a colour and texture-rich painting by Quebec-born painter Jean Paul Riopelle. Curently on view in the J.S. McLean Centre for Indigenous + Canadian Art, this Art Pick dives into Riopelle’s “mosaic” painting technique and a host of celebrations happening across the world to mark the centennial of Riopelle’s birth.

Jean Paul Riopelle, Chevreuse II, 1953-1954. Oil on canvas, Overall: 300 x 300 cm. Purchase with Thomson Canadian Funds, 2004. © Estate of Jean Paul Riopelle (Copyright Visual Arts-CARCC, 2023). 2003/1664. 

Sculpting whale bone with David Ruben Piqtoukun — With Radical Remembrance: The sculptures of David Rueben Piqtoukun closing on June 25, Foyer takes a closer look at two of Piqtoukun’s large-scale sculptures made from whale bone: Baby Brontosaurus (2022) and Thar She Blows! (2021).

Installation view: Radical Remembrance: The Sculptures of David Ruben Piqtoukun, January 21 – June 25, 2023, Art Gallery of Ontario. Artwork: Baby Brontosaurus, 2022 © David Ruben Piqtoukun