Opening tonight: Feels Like Home

Sunday School, from the series The Hair Appointment, 2018. Photography by Jeremy Rodney-Hall

Founded by Josef Adamu in Toronto in 2017, Sunday School is a creative agency that brings together visual artists from across Africa and the diaspora to share compelling stories and foreground notions of identity, fashion, and culture at the intersection of art and education. Feels Like Home highlights work from three series: The Hair Appointment (2018), Ten Toes Down (2021), and Jump Ball (2019–ongoing), and considers contemporary discourses around the notion of home. 

Join Sunday School creative director Josef Adamu and the AGO’s Emilie Croning to celebrate the opening of the new exhibition, Friday May 5, 7pm, Gallery level 2 – room 248.

Or join the panel discussion with the filmmakers on Saturday May 6, at 2pm in Jackman Hall. Details, HERE.