Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone,

I am writing my weekly message a little early this week.

Please take a moment to read this important update and be sure to share it with others.

With Leadership Team members Rocco Saverino stepping away in January and Lisa Clements’ upcoming departure this week – and Mike Mahoney’s increasing involvement with the Dani Reiss Modern & Contemporary Gallery expansion project – I have been reflecting on the executive needs of the AGO in the next 5 years or so. I have decided to make some changes to the composition of Leadership Team. I will be re-configuring a few key roles and decreasing the size of LT by one position.

What will the new LT look like?

I will be combining the Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director, Corporate Special Projects & Operations into one role going forward. The title for this position will be Chief Financial & Operating Officer. This type of role is emerging as common practice in the corporate and non-profit environments. The areas reporting to the CFOO will be: Financial Services, Plant & Building Infrastructure, Facility Services, IT, Protection Services.

In considering how our audience has shifted over the past few years and the prioritization of our brand strategy, I will be making some changes in this area too. The role of Chief, Communications & Brand will be expanded to incorporate the retail and F&B portfolios. The Chief Brand & Business Officer will ensure that our brand and visitor experience is consistent throughout the museum and will work to maximize revenues across all revenue streams.

When will these changes take place?

As you know, we currently have an Interim CFO in place (Refat Jiwani) while we conduct a thorough market search for the two new roles. Refat will continue through the May to mid-July period.

We anticipate having both positions filled this summer, likely early July. The recruiting firm Caldwell Partners has been engaged to source the best talent available to fill these critical roles.

How will these changes impact me?

Overall, I am confident that these changes are positive for all of us and will further advance our strategic priorities. The changes will not have a high degree of impact on day-to-day activities but will result in efficiencies (including in the IT area) and an increasing emphasis on serving our public. Staff in retail and F&B will have a slightly different reporting structure. And with one less person reporting directly to me, I will have more time to focus on achieving our AGO 2028 vision.

Finally – for the next few months while the search for the new Chief Brand & Business Officer is under way, Herman Lo, Director of Visitor Experience, will join LT meetings and act as a liaison between LT and the rest of the Communications & Brand team. I will also be meeting bi-weekly with the Communications & Brand team leaders to help formalize a smooth transition period.

I will share more updates regarding these roles as things progress.

Thank you,
