A Message From the Food & Beverage Team: The Espresso Bar is Moving, Members’ Lounge opening, and a Special AGO Bistro Discount for the Month of April

Hello Everyone,

What’s happening? 

  • We are happy to announce that as of Thursday, April 27, the Espresso Bar in Galleria Italia will be move to and reopen in the Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Sculpture Atrium for all AGO visitors and staff to enjoy. 
  • We are also happy to announce that we are working towards a return to food and beverage service in the Norma Ridley Members’ Lounge for our AGO Members only beginning Wednesday, May 24. Note that this date may shift should there be delays in service or supply chain issues.
  • As these reopening dates quickly approach, stay tuned to learn more about what AGO visitors and staff can expect in the upcoming weeks. Read below for some key details.
  • Also, the AGO Bistro is now serving dinner on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays until 8 pm. The restaurant will be open until 9 pm. 
  • To celebrate these new extended Thursday night hours, AGO Members, staff and volunteers will enjoy a special 20% discount on dinner Thursdays in April at AGO Bistro.

The Espresso Bar in the Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Sculpture Atrium – Reopening Thursday, April 27

  • In preparation for this reopening, the Espresso Bar will close in Galleria Italia after service hours on Sunday, April 23.
  • Once reopened in the Atrium, staff can still purchase drinks and snacks from the Espresso Bar.
  • Because the Espresso Bar is located in the Gallery, there will be no takeout options, meaning drinks and snacks will be served in the Atrium. Takeout options are available from AGO Bistro.
  • Haegue Yang’s Woven Currents – Confluence of Parallels (2020) will remain on view. 

The Norma Ridley Members’ Lounge – Reopening Wednesday, May 24

  • The Norma Ridley Members’ Lounge is a dedicated space for AGO Members to enjoy the historical setting of the Grange House on Level 1 of the Gallery.
  • A new food and beverage menu will be served to AGO Members only in the Members’ Lounge at the following times, as of Wednesday, May 24: 
  • Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays: 11:30 am to 4:30 pm
  • Fridays: 11:30 am to 7 pm
  • The Members’ Lounge will still be open to AGO Members on days when food and beverage service is not being served (during Gallery hours):
  • Mondays – Closed
  • Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10:30 am to 4:30 pm
  • Wednesdays and Fridays: 10:30 am to 8:30 pm
  • Saturday and Sundays: 10:30 am to 5 pm.


  • Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks to learn more about what staff and our visitors can expect in the Espresso Bar and Members’ Lounge.
  • If you have an urgent question or concern, please email [email protected] (not Holly Procktor or volunteer resources- this is all the information we have been given to share – thanks!)