Closing Weeks – Leonard Cohen: Everybody Knows

A quick note to remind volunteers we are in the final weeks of Leonard Cohen: Everybody Knows. This exhibition closes April 10. We have a lot of Cohen notebooks left! So if you’re a gallery guide out on the floor, please feel free to share these widely, and a note to all volunteers: feel free to take some home for family and friends. They’re lovely little keepsakes.

Leonard Cohen, Self-Portrait, 1979. Instant print (Polaroid Type 667). Overall: 10.8 × 8.3 cm. © Leonard Cohen Family Trust.

And while you’re roaming the Galleries, make sure to see: Modern and Contemporary Prints from the Collection of Grant L. Reuber – on until April 2 in the first floor gallery, #140 (to help orient you – this is outside of Prints and Drawings). This is my favourite show at the moment – a colourful, impactful little gem!

Frank Stella, Estoril Five II, 1982. Colour relief print and etching on handmade, hand-dyed paper, sheet (irregular): 170 x 132 cm. Gift from the collection of Grant L. Reuber, 2018. Frank Stella / SOCAN (2022).