Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

As we head toward the end of this fiscal year, we are on track to end up pretty much where we projected. This took effort from everyone – such effort must continue as we plan for the 2023-24 budget and continue to re-build our operations. My main message is this: we need to focus on managing expenses and broadly appealing programming to increase revenue. Basically it’s a full court press on increasing revenue, especially from increased attendance and audience engagement. We have made changes to our exhibition schedule, adding in KAWS and a Keith Haring retrospective (this is CONFIDENTIAL), which will be incredible draws, in addition to this spring’s Tillmans show and this summer’s Impressionist exhibition featuring works by Canadian artist Helen McNicoll.

We remain in an environment where there are factors beyond our control – inflation, cost of operations, etc. – which means we will need to be very disciplined about the work that is within our control. I have much confidence in managers and teams to think creatively and strategically to help guide the AGO through another challenging year. I am optimistic and know we can do it together.

Take care,
