Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

This week we opened the exhibition Denyse Thomasos: just beyond. This took an incredible amount of work for the conservators, prepators and installers – many of the canvases are massive in size and take up a lot of space to be properly stretched and mounted. I appreciate everyone’s careful attention to the installation, which is still underway! Congratulations to the Curators – AGO’s Renee van der Avoird, Michelle Jacques (who used to work at the AGO), and Sally Frater. The catalogue is stunning and I encourage you to read Michelle’s essay in particular. It is a compilation of three letters that Michelle imagines writing to Denyse over the course of her development as an artist.

Also on view on the main level is a recent acquisition by Iranian artist Niloofar Kasbi. It is a beautiful large scale drawing gifted to the AGO by trustee Maz Mortazavi. Take a moment to view this work and reflect on what is happening in Iran right now.

Some of you might have noticed new activity in “The Annex” space (formerly cafeAGO) on the concourse level. In preparation for an upcoming event in Jackman Hall on October 19th, this special installation was originally on display at the European Cultural Centre’s 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale. It’s theme “How will we live together” considers the role of architecture in creating spaces for inclusion. Through this project, Henriquez Partners Architects, in collaboration with the UN Refugee Agency, aspires to spark meaningful dialogue about the issues affecting all cities and our collective obligation to create engaged communities where all are welcome and belong. This installation will be in view in The Annex through to November 20th.

Many of you who work at the AGO have amazing talents that are part of your lives outside of the AGO, either as artists or writers or performers. Alex Bird, who works in Visitor Services, is an accomplished JUNO nominated singer/songwriter. It is my pleasure to share his newly released tune “Thanksgiving Anthem” for your enjoyment.

“The Sweetest Moments” (Music Video)


Happy Thanksgiving to all,
