Recording: Exhibition Talk with Artist Zun Lee and Curator Sophie Hackett on What Matters Most – Photographs of Black Life

Last night we had a wonderful conversation with Artist and Collector, Zun Lee and Sophie Hackett, AGO Curator of Photography about their new, co-curated exhibition, What Matters Most: Photographs of Black Life, on now until January 2023.

Unknown photographer, [Group gathered inside looking at Polaroids], 1962. Black and white instant print (Polaroid Type 107), 8.5 x 10.8 cm. Purchase, with funds donated by Martha LA McCain, 2018. © Art Gallery of Ontario. 2018/982.

This was a really fascinating talk where Sophie and Zun set up the context for the show, why it is important now, and the careful decisions they made in exhibiting and interpreting the 500 photographs whose history is unknown. The exhibition is a result of about 5 years of conversation between Zun and Sophie. In case you missed it, we’ve linked the full zoom talk HERE.

Thank you to Program Assistant Natalie Lam for introducing our speakers and moderating the discussion.