Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

Earlier this week, Alain Graham shared the message below about employees returning to work on-site. I must say, I have seen the positive impact of people being together over the past couple of weeks and yesterday I met with the entire Education & Program team, who held their first in-person meeting in more than two years. It feels good to be back together!

During the past couple of weeks, Charles Smith of CPAMO has been sharing findings from the staff-wide organizational assessment focusing on diversity, inclusion, equity and accessibility at the AGO with Leadership Team and Cian Knights. Again, I want to thank everyone for participating in this process, including the survey and focus groups. It is clear people currently feel engaged – and want to be further engaged – with our DEI strategy.

I do have some sad news to share. Many of you will remember Nancy Hunter from the retail shop. Unfortunately Nancy recently passed away, which is deeply upsetting. Many of us who knew and worked with Nancy remember her as a committed professional and wonderful colleague. Here is some information about Nancy’s passing:  


It’s a good moment to pause and take some time out of your day to thank someone you work with, personally, for the job they do at the AGO. Let’s all remember to do just that.

Take care Stephan,

P.S. June 1st marks the beginning of Pride Month. Happy Pride! I have to admit, it is one of my favourite months of the year.