Stephan talks with the volunteers! Wednesday May 4, 6-7pm

Stephan joins us in celebration of National Volunteer Week! (formally April 24 – 30)

It’s hard to believe we’ve been two years apart, but we’re encouraged by the recent staggered re-entry of volunteers back to the Gallery. We are on our way! Stephan joins us to update us on Gallery news, and AGO Vision 2028 – the path ahead!

We hope you can join us! As with all Stephan’s candid talks with volunteers, this talk will not be recorded. Please plan to attend.

A reminder: you can’t register in advance for this talk, simply click on the link below on Wednesday May 4, at 6pm (or just before), to join:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 1215 5886

Passcode: 956179