Welcoming AGO Board of Trustees Ex-Officio Volunteer Representative – Ankesh Chandaria

Hello Everyone,

On behalf of the AGO Board of Trustees, I’m pleased to announce that Ankesh Chandaria was appointed as the new ex-officio volunteer representative at today’s board meeting. 

Ankesh is a strategy consultant with strong legal and commercial expertise and currently co-chairs the AGO Next Committee. He understands the importance of philanthropy and engaging our community, is keen to see where the Gallery will go in the years to come and is eager to help. We believe that he will be a perfect fit for the board and an excellent advocate for the AGO. Ankesh will serve on the board for a maximum of three consecutive one-year terms, and his first term starts today. 

We had many applicants for this important role with various backgrounds, expertise, and experiences, making the selection process much more difficult. I truly appreciate you taking the time to apply for the position and your continued support of the AGO.

I look forward to working with Ankesh and the board as we continue to advance the AGO’s mission of art, audiences and learning. I also look forward to continuing to work with all of you – our dedicated and enthusiastic volunteer community!
