Toronto Biennial of Art: Call for Storytellers

Toronto Biennial of Art (March 26 – June 5, 2022)

One of our Weekend Gallery Guides, Kesang Nanglu, also works with the the Public Programming and Learning team at the Toronto Biennial of Art. They currently have an open job call for Storytellers, which we are happy to share, here.

As Kesang shares, Storytellers engage intergenerational audiences through participatory tours and discussion. Their work is focused on research, tour development, and delivering tour sessions. Storytellers offer shorter spot tours on a single artwork/artist, in addition to longer guided tours highlighting multiple works in an exhibition.

There are 4 Biennial sites where Storytellers will be stationed: The Small Arms Inspection Building in Mississauga, 72 Perth in the Junction, Arsenal Contemporary Art (also in the Junction), and 5 Lower Jarvis near Sugar Beach. A more detailed description can be found online, with information about hours, training, and pay.

f you have questions, please contact Kesang directly: [email protected].

Deadline to apply is Friday, February 11, 2022