Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

This week has been very COLD so I hope you are bundled up! I also hope you find ways to enjoy the snow while it’s here.

We re-open next Tuesday and in addition to Fragments, Wong and Houle, our public will experience the changes underway in the European galleries on the main floor. When complete,  the biggest re-installation since Look:Forward, it will feature many more exquisite works that are coming out of the vaults. I encourage you to wander through the galleries when you are back on-site. Thank you to the European curators and everyone else involved, the spaces are really looking fantastic – and I love the new paint colours.

Earlier this week at the Managers’ Meeting, Rocco Saverino provided an update on where we are with this year’s budget – solid – and outlined the next steps for planning for 2022-23. We continue to anticipate a balanced position by the end of the year and I’m grateful to everyone for your attention to finances; your efforts to keep things tight while fulfilling our mission and serving our public is paying off.

Take care and stay safe,


P.S.     February 1st also marks the start of the Lunar New Year, welcoming the Year of the Tiger. (I was born in the Year of the Monkey.) To all those who celebrate, may the Year of the Tiger bring prosperity, joy, and health to you and your loved ones!