Weekly Message from Our Director & CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello everyone,

I would like to begin my message this week by thanking those who participated on – or contributed to – the COVID 19 Task Force. I truly believe the efforts undertaken by this team saved lives. All of the health and safety protocols that have been in place since the beginning of COVID have kept each of us and members of our public safe and well. Upon last month’s provincial announcement that many capacity restrictions have been lifted, the work of the COVID 19 Task Force is complete and the team has disbanded. Continuing forward, it is every person’s responsibility to adhere to the remaining protocols such as wearing masks, distancing, and washing and sanitizing hands. Any further decisions relating to COVID protocols will be made by the Leadership Team. If you have questions, please talk to your Manager or LT member.

Last week I spent four days in Dresden, Germany, attending the annual Bizot gathering, a group of museum directors from the top 50 museums in the world. We discussed topics such as exhibitions, loans and audiences. Many museums are taking steps to engage younger and more diverse audiences and are looking towards Toronto and the AGO to understand what we are doing here. Dresden is a beautiful city that was bombed completely flat during World War II. Its rebuilding and recovery has largely been driven by the arts and culture sector. Today, central Dresden boasts more than 15 museums with astounding collections.

This week marks Treaties Recognition Week in Ontario, which aims to deepen our understanding of treaty rights and treaty relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in our province. Each of us has a responsibility to increase our knowledge of treaties. Cian Knights sent a helpful message earlier this week with several good resources, including a film. Please take some time to learn more about treaties.

Take care and happy Diwali to those who are celebrating the Festival of Lights,
