A virtual book club: The Tuscan Daughter (Meet the Author – Wednesday November 17 at 1pm)

Hello Volunteers! Thank you to volunteers Mary Rochon and Jennet Sandler, who have arranged this Zoom talk with Author (and Mary’s daughter!), Lisa Rochon. We’re posting here so there is plenty of time to go out and grab the book! See you in November! – Holly

The Tuscan Daughter, is set in early 16th century Florence, and is currently on the Globe and Mail bestseller list:

“… a beautifully written and very engaging book that delves deeply into the life of Florence at the start of the sixteenth century. It follows the life of a young and talented woman from a small village outside of Florence, who meets some of the most important artists of the day as she travels into the city to sell her farm’s olive oil. An artist herself, though not traditionally trained, Beatrice becomes closely involved with both da Vinci and Michelangelo, who spent a few short years working together in Florence and competing for prestigious commissions. She watches as the David is Sculpted in Michelangelo’s workshop and becomes friends with Lisa of the famous painting of da Vinci, as both of them become entwined by this woman’s oft times complicated life. While much has been written about these artists lives individually, seldom if ever, have their stories been told with such a personal touch, with the incredibly well researched details of both them and the City they lived in, allowing us to see them with new eyes. Beatrice is a wonderful character and she fights her own battles that come about because of her poor upbringing and her gender that does not support her own life as a potential artist.” (via Goodreads)

Mary has arranged to have her daughter talk to us about the book, on Wednesday November 17, from 1 – 2:30pm. Note: you cannot sign up in advance for this meeting – simply click on the link the-day-of, to attend.

Join Zoom meeting:


Meeting ID: 892 8115 7373

Passcode: 612316

Thank you for inviting us, Mary and Jennet! See you there! – Holly