Weekly Message from Our Director and CEO, Stephan Jost

Hello Everyone,

This was an extraordinary week at the AGO. After years of research, conservation, scholarship, loan negotiations and meticulous planning, we opened Picasso: Painting the Blue Period. Congratulations to Kenneth Brummel, Sandra Webster-Cook and EVERYONE involved with installing, securing and promoting the exhibition. Since Wednesday, we have seen line-ups of Members waiting patiently to explore the show, and I am excited for it to be open to the public this weekend.

As a young person coming into his own, Picasso had a broad view of the world and was deeply aware of the poverty and hardship experienced by many at the beginning of the 20th century. He depicted this with compassion, including in La Soupe from our collection (picture below), which speaks to a global understanding of charity. Something we can all relate to. I am thinking of this work, in particular, as many of us celebrate Thanksgiving this long weekend. Indeed, we all have much to be thankful for.

Take care and stay safe,


Stephan’s photo