Next Week: Join our Volunteer Connector Call – Wednesday June 30, at 5:00pm

Join our next AGO Volunteers Connector Call:  Wednesday June 30, 5-6:30pm

We’ll discuss our latest Diversity & Inclusion Learning session: Raising Awareness: Sharing Knowledges – A Conversation with Indigenous Art Educators (see previous post)

A quick reminder: you can’t pre-register for this discussion. Simply log on at 5:00pm on Wednesday June 30 to join! –

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 7166 7498
Passcode: 670064

This call is an opportunity for you to discuss and share what you’ve learned with other volunteers. Our focus is to create a positive space, to encourage bold and brave conversation, and to talk and grow together.

As with last month, in this session we will once again incorporate break-out rooms into our discussion, so folks have the opportunity to delve into deeper conversations with one another, in smaller groups.

To prepare for this call, we encourage you to consider the following questions: (Feel free to bring some of your own!)

  • What stood out to you about this session?
  • What did you take away from how Louise and Mahlikah presented indigenous art?
  • How do we talk about difficult history, and not shy away from ongoing conversation?
  • Is there anything you learned that will change the way your approach your volunteer role at the Gallery?

Thank you for joining the discussion!

We look forward to seeing you there!