Diversity & Inclusion Learning Session #4: Raising Awareness: Sharing Knowledges – A Conversation with Indigenous Art Educators

We are honoured to continue this series of Diversity & Inclusion recordings, part of the Gallery’s commitment to building a more diverse and inclusive staff and volunteer community.

In this session, we meet two of the AGO’s Indigenous Art Educators, Louise Miteouamigoukoue Spiritcougar Lefevre and Mahlikah Awe:ri Enml’ga’t Saqama’sgw, who so generously share their teaching expertise with us. In this discussion, they share how Indigenous art education is presented in school programs at the Gallery. This is particularly in relation to “NAC 10” – a course for Grade 9 TDSB students that frames an expression of First Nations, Inuit and Metis culture in an immersive experience at the Gallery.

This presentation helps us to deepen our understanding of indigenous art history, and build on parts of the conversation started by Wanda Nanibush and Dr. Duke Redbird, in our last session.

Agenda/ Here’s What to Expect in this Recording:

  • Land Acknowledgment by Melissa Smith, Assistant Curator, Community Programs
  • Welcome by Stephan Jost, Director and CEO [5mins]
  • Learning Objectives and Framing of NAC10 by Audrey Hudson, Chief of Education and Programming  [5mins]
  • Introductions by Audrey Hudson [5mins]
  • Questions posed by Paola Poletto [10mins]
  • Presentations by Louise Miteouamigoukoue Spiritcougar Lefevre and Mahlikah Awe:ri Enml’ga’t Saqama’sgw [20mins each, =40mins]
  • Questions posed by Paola Poletto, Director, Engagement & Learning [8mins]
  • Q&A from audience [10mins]
  • Wrap up by Audrey Hudson [2mins]

How to Access this Recording:

Please click on this link:


Enter Passcode: D&ITrainingSession4  (hint: copy and paste this link for ease!)

You will be asked to enter your name and email to gain access to the recording

Things to Keep in Mind:

  • These videos are pre-recorded webinars, not live.
  • A tip: when you register for the webinar, use Google Chrome (instead of Explorer) to watch. If your computer defaults to opening in Explorer, copy the link and re-open in Chrome (you may need to re-register) but it makes for much smoother viewing!
  • If you need more support, please reach out to [email protected] for assistance.
  • Keep a list of questions/reflections you’d like to share in one of our Volunteer Connector calls – these sessions are your opportunity to discuss and share what you’ve learned with fellow volunteers

Related Readings – Here’s a Resource List to Learn More About the Ideas and Issues introduced in this recording:

A Continued Conversation on Residential Schools (originally broadcast Tuesday June 8, 1pm) Moderated by Audrey Hudson, Chief of Education & Programming with panelists, Robert Durocher, Vice-Principal, Wandering Spirit School, TDSB;  Jenny Kay Dupuis, Author; and Lindsay “Eekwol” Knight, Hip Hop Artist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKpYD1n9pag&t=2s

Most recently, Mahlikah Awe:ri Enml’ga’t Saqama’sgw joined AGOinsider for an interview on Indigenous art education, and its importance for generations to come: https://ago.ca/agoinsider/we-are-land

Facing Canada: A facing history community blog. This article links to the Dish with One Spoon Wampumhttps://facingcanada.facinghistory.org/the-dish-with-one-spoon-wampum

Historica Canada offers a portal on Indigenous History (including lesson plans): http://education.historicacanada.ca/en/collections/18

The University of Alberta offers a complimentary course on Indigenous Canada, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores Indigenous histories and contemporary issues in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores key issues facing Indigenous peoples today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations.

SAVE-the-DATE: Our Volunteer Connector call to share what we’ve learned in this session will be held Wednesday June 30 at 5pm – zoom link to follow!