A Message from Stephan Jost: New AGO President Elected

Dear Everyone,

At the Annual Meeting last week, Bob Harding, outgoing president of the board, announced the next president of the AGO Board of Trustees: Rupert Duchesne.

Rupert is a passionate supporter of the arts and has served as a vice president for several years. He is a corporate executive, advisor and director and past chair of the Brain Canada Foundation and former director of the Toronto International Festival of Authors and the Royal Conservatory of Music. He was appointed CEO of Mattamy Ventures in 2020, part of Mattamy Asset Management, and was also the founding CEO of Aimia Inc., which he led from 2005 to early 2017.

The Annual Meeting also included the appointment of two co-chairs, Rupert Duchesne and Jay Smith, who were named to these positions to recognized their distinguished service and significant contributions to the AGO. For more information, please read the media release.

I’m sincerely grateful for Bob’s leadership of the board over the past four years. He has been the stable foundation on which the AGO has stood this past year, and we all owe him a massive thank you!

I look forward to working with Rupert as we continue to advance the AGO’s mission of art, audiences and learning. It’s an exciting time as the Province gradually reopens!
